Berry College Mill’s Timeless Beauty

This remarkable and stunning mill graces the grounds of Berry College in Rome, Georgia. It possesses an inherent, awe-inspiring beauty. Occasionally, though very infrequently, the college arranges for a team of mill repair experts to tend to its maintenance, and during these rare occasions, they put the mill through its paces, assessing both the water-driven system and the milling machinery.

Our visit to the mill took place last month during our Grills & Mills workshop. Upon our arrival, it was evident that a crew was diligently at work, with tall ladders scattered about. I couldn’t help but fear that the perfect photo opportunity had been prematurely lost.

Berry College Mill

Approaching one of the workers, I inquired about their estimated completion time, and the response was a succinct “when we’re done.” Disheartened by this response, I began making my way back to inform the others about the unfortunate turn of events. However, as I was retracing my steps, the crew swiftly removed the ladders and shouted, “clear out before it starts up!” To my astonishment, the water began cascading over the mill’s crest.

I hastily ushered all the workshop participants to set up, grabbed my own equipment, and positioned myself at an optimal spot. After a brief moment, they unlocked the wheel, and it commenced turning.

Berry College Mill

I observed them ferrying large sacks of corn into the building, and a smile crept across my face as I realized their intention to grind corn as well. In total, we spent approximately two hours there, as the mill spilled water and ground corn.

To the right, there stood a small mill setup for grinding corn or wheat. Regrettably, this wasn’t from the Berry Mill, as conditions inside were too dim and crowded for me to capture an image of the mill grinding corn. Nevertheless, I did manage to purchase a bag of freshly ground corn, which now resides in my pantry at home.

Berry College Mill

It was an extraordinary day, one etched into my memory for a lifetime. Later, I learned that the mill is started and operated for testing purposes only one day each year, and we were exceptionally fortunate to be present to bask in its splendor.

This mill boasts an impressive 46-foot wheel, making it the tallest of its kind in the country. Inside, it features a gear ring that interfaces with the outer wheel surface, engaging with a shaft/gear at the wheel’s base to operate the mill machinery within the building.

The mill’s location is nestled within a picturesque valley, overflowing with majestic, verdant trees. This natural setting made photography a breeze under the midday sun, but more importantly, it allowed me to capture ethereal, almost otherworldly images teeming with emotion. I was completely captivated. I could have spent an entire day at this mill and been utterly content.

Source: Mark Hilliard

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